We are born to LIVE… :)

“I don’t think anyone is born knowing the reason why they’re here its just something you have to find as you go along”

-Honda Tohru [Fruits Basket]




I got this quote from an anime called Fruits Basket… 


So, why are you alive?

Do you know why you were given a life to live?

Do you know why you were born?

Are you aware of the reason for your existence?


~~Those are really simple questions but somehow, it’ll take us a lifetime to answer…


What really is the purpose of your existence? of mine, his, hers, theirs?


It’s actually for us to find out… 




I, personally, doesn’t know the exact reason for my existence, yet. But I’m living my life at it’s best. I try to enjoy every bit of it.


Do you know why? It’s because I’m afraid of this word — REGRET.


There are some things in my life that I wanted to do… but didn’t dare try.. and so, I ended up regretting.. It really isn’t a nice feeling.. >_<


Right now… I do things that I think is right.. I’m trying to find my purpose in life…


I love anime… I love to write.. I love to inspire people.


And thus, I created this blog…


Through these quotes and ideas that I got from anime, manga, etc (the things that I love)… 

I try to write or create something out of it… (the things that I like to do)..

And through this, I could inspire people~~ ( i hope so ^^)





However, my life doesn’t end here… I’d continue to live on and find the purpose of my existence along the way~~


I hope everyone would be the same…


Continue to live and find your purpose…




I’ll leave this entry with this thought..


CONTINUE to LIVE your LIFE while FINDING the PURPOSE of your EXISTENCE along the way… LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST… Continue to DREAM.. Continue to BELIEVE.. TAKE RISKS… and always remember….. LEAVE NO REGRETS!!!!


