Inspired by Adachi Mitsuru (Baseball and Life…)


Recently, I’ve been brawling with life’s challenges. It’s tough for everyone! There are times when you just want to give up… times when you just want to escape reality and live in a world only attainable by your imagination.


Duhh! I do that a lot! I tend to escape reality and dive into a world, which might also be common to people like me. *smirks*


The world I’m talking about, of course, is the anime-slash-manga-slash-game world.
I’m NOT done with my BASEBALL STREAK yet! I’ve been into Adachi Mitsuru‘s manga these days… I’ve watched Cross Game, read Touch and H2.. These are not-so-new baseball ani and manga but it’s worth your time.


They don’t just focus on baseball, but also with the evolution of each character.


Adachi Mitsuru-sensei’s works give the extremes of feelings… He’s humorous AF, but can also unconsciously melt down one’s heart… Like WTF Adachi-sensei!!!! What did you do to me??? I’m humongously in love with your works!
His works made me realize a lot of things. Everything is a journey… life and love included.


Sometimes, we tend to fast forward everything… We immediately make decisions which we aren’t sure of. Waiting is never a part of our vocabulary.


Waiting, sometimes, can help us minimize regrets.
Life is unpredictable. It’s always bound by fate.
Of course, we CAN create our own fate by the decisions we take. However, I DO believe in parallel worlds…
There isn’t only a single ending… but hundreds? thousands? or even more of them!



It can end in a blink of an eye…
You can follow a straight line…
You can go right or left…
But you can also pass a maze the end of which is unreachable.

If you compare life with something from “baseball”… It would be like this..
The “BALL” would be your existence… a plain entity that simply exists but we don’t know how and why.


The “BATTERY” would be the kind of life you want to live..


You would be the “PITCHER” and the “CATCHER’S MITT” is your goal.
In order for your existence to have a purpose, you have to throw it as hard and as intelligently as you can to the catcher’s mitt.
As the pitcher of your own existence, you can decide on how your life should be…



Would it be a 150km-fastball, straight in the middle?

OR Would you rather make it more interesting by throwing a slider, a curveball or a forkball?

You can even change the pace of your life by using a change-up!!!


Sounds easy, right?

However, there’s always a force that stops you from reaching your goal…


What do we call them?




They even come in different types…


A force that will throw you to another goal (directly to another mitt).


A force that will throw you either up or down… no matter where, it’s still a pain in the a**. (a hit)


A slight force, but will bring your existence down to the ground and have something be stolen from you. (a sacrifice bunt)


And lastly, there’s always this force that most of us are afraid of…




It’s a force that will throw your existence out of the park and will take almost everything away from you!

Hold your horses!!!

Every cloud has a silver lining.



Being hit, having your base stolen, committing errors and being sent out of the park???






The game doesn’t end there!! There are 9 innings in one game…


This means, you have a lot of chances in your life.



If you stand firmly and stay on the mound without giving up another hit, you’ll definitely strikeout all those fvckin’ batters and reach your goal.

In the end, LIFE, like baseball, is full of fun and excitement.



So PLAY your LIFE not only with the motivation to WIN, but also with the drive to regret NOTHING.


Baseball anime… anyone???

Hey guys!

How’s it going? ^^

Are you guys into baseball? Do you play or watch it? Personally, I had no idea how it works. I mean… baseball is a rarity in my country. Most of the people play or watch basketball, boxing, volleyball and soccer. I’m not the sporty type either… though I used to play basketball when I was younger.

However amidst all these, I super love watching sports anime. To name a few, I love Slam Dunk (basketball), Kuroko no Basuke (basketball), Haikyuu!! (volleyball), Free !(swimming), Yowamushi Pedal (cycling), Yuri!!! on Ice (figure skating), Prince of Tennis (obviously… tennis), Days (soccer), Baby Steps (tennis), Prince of Stride (parkour) and even Cheer Danshi (cheerleading).

Watching sports anime brings out excitement, worry and a whole lot of emotions in me. Of course, I watch every genre but lately I’ve been into this field.

Going back~~~ (sorry… my keyboard is so talkative… xD) Baseball was NEVER my cup of tea. No matter how my Japanese students and friends explain the rules and other stuff, I always end up with a BIG question mark on my face. Well, I wasn’t interested… AT ALL. Funny how I imagine the baseball field as a slice of pizza. (Forgive me baseball fans… I was a total a**… xD)

One time, one of my Japanese friends who is a Fudanshi recommended me an anime. It was called “Ookiku Furikabutte”. He said there are a lot of “pairings” in it. (I’m a Fujoshi, by the way…) So, when I searched for it I was displeased. “Ehh? Baseball? I don’t understand baseball… I guess I’ll pass on this. Gomen ne, senpai!” was what I said. Fortunately, my fudanshi-senpai didn’t stop convincing me and I gave up. xD

Guess what??? I didn’t couldn’t focus on the pairings because I was too engrossed with the story. FVCK!!!!! Has baseball always been  THIS exciting? 

OoFuri paved the way for baseball in my life. (kudos!!! xD)  And then… I watched “DIA NO ACE…” Oh Em GOD of baseball!!!! xDD It was so exciting that I sometimes forget how to breathe… DAMN~!!!! I AM PATIENTLY WAITING FOR SEASON THREE~!!!! I also learned a lot….  rules, pitches, positions… name it!! These two baseball anime were focused on “KOSHIEN” (High School baseball league in Japan)

This time, I’m watching another baseball anime called “MAJOR”. It actually has six seasons and I just finished the first one an hour ago.

What made it different from the other baseball anime I’ve watched is that the first season isn’t about Koshien. It is focused on cute little kids. The main character “Goro Honda” is the son of a pro-baseball player. This season focused on this kid’s life. How he started to love the game that his father was so good at… how he started playing alone or sometimes with his kindergarten teacher… his first friend… his first team. Little league is so cute to watch, yet it’s still as exciting as Koshien.

Goro Honda is a great and strong kid. (Damn! I don’t want to spoil anyone who hasn’t watched it yet…) He was able to overcome really huge obstacles both in his baseball and personal life.

I cried heaps! I cannot NOT cry. T_T You know that feeling of your chest becoming tighter and tighter,  warm sensation slowly forming in your eyes… and voila! it’s flowing… like a river. More so, a waterfall!!?

If you’re interested, WATCH IT!

Kbye~ I’ll watch Major Season 2 now… Jaa!

SELF awareness and acceptance draws out STRENGTH

“Self-awareness makes us real.. Find what makes you real and you will find strength.” — BATTLE ROYALE

“Accept who you are and draw strength from the truth. You must be worthy of yourself before you can ever be worthy of another.”— BATTLE ROYALE




Do you know yourself? If so, how much do you know yourself?

Do you accept who you are? Are you happy with the real you?


             These are just simple questions, right? But somehow, it’s hard to answer.


                  “YES! Of course I know myself! I know every single detail about myself. I accept myself and I’m happy for who I am.”  If this is your answer, then, CONGRATULATIONS!




              Those quotes from the manga, Battle Royale, mentioned that people can draw out strength from being aware of one’s self… and of course, for accepting one’s self. But HOW?


              I guess, It comes NATURALLY.



              Knowing yourself is easy… but accepting who you are is completely on a different level. There are a lot of people who are in denial of their true selves. They hide who they really are. I know, we all have our reasons. Variety of it. But, does this makes us happy? Does denying our true selves protect us? Personally, I guess not. 


                  Drawing STRENGTH from self awareness and acceptance… HOW? 


                   Supposing, you’re someone who’s happy of who you are… you’re someone who accepts yourself, flaws included. Of course, you’re aware of the things that you are capable of doing, you know what you can do and what you can’t do. You are aware when to GO and when to STOP. If you know and accept yourself, you’ll have BETTER JUDGMENTS on things. You’ll know your limits— in the same way, you’ll know how to improve them.

                    Because of these, you’ll have CONFIDENCE to face every challenge that may arise… and that’s where your STRENGTH would come from… It isn’t simple – – – however, it isn’t impossible. 🙂




                    Battle Royale’s main character, Shuuya, is someone with a complicated background. An orphan to start with… plus the imminent death he’s facing by having his class chosen on “the program”. Having that, it would be really hard… especially if you aren’t physically and psychologically ready. Shuuya is someone so ordinary, yet, he knows himself. He accepts himself. He knows what he can and can’t do. 

                     Shuuya knows his FEARS, his flaws, his imperfections… and he accepts it wholly. He drew out strength from that fear. He fears death. He fears to see people dying with him doing nothing. But, those are the exact reasons why he survived… why he was able to survive with the girl he and his best friend loved. Because of fear, he was able to know courage. By accepting himself, he gained strength to protect and to live.




                       Comparing this manga to everyday life is a bit off, I know. The scenarios are way too impossible~ but in a way, it’s the same. Yes, we don’t have such collars that will blow up every time we step on a danger zone… we don’t have to kill anyone just to stay alive. BUT, we all need to ACCEPT ourselves to be rightfully HAPPY. 

                       It has been said that we should learn to love ourselves before we could love others. I guess, it would be correct to say this as well, we should accept ourselves first before others could learn to accept us. Discrimination is a possibility, but who cares? We are who we are.. 🙂 You are who you are.. and I am who I am… The world may turn it’s back on you, but you still have yourself… and eventually, you can find a new world who could accept you. A world who could accept itself.

